Equestrian Mix - Pasture Grass Mixture
Our Equestrian Mix of pasture grass seeds combines cool-season grasses and legumes. It creates long-lived, permanent pastures suited for continuous or cell grazing under a wide range of growing conditions. Combining the highest quality plants available, it balances criteria such as production, palatability, and nutritional value. Once established, Equestrian Mix comes early in the spring and is usually ready for livestock before other pastures. Equestrian Mix is an ideal hay crop of an unusually high quality, with very little maintenance or fertilization needs.
Ingredients: Orchardgrass, Smooth Bromegrass, Timothy, Perennial Ryegrass, Alfalfa, White Clover
Min Yearly Rainfall: 18-22"
Seeds Per Pound: 459,500
Acre Rate: 25 - 30
Lbs per 1000 sq feet: 5 lbs
Growing regions: All
Planting Information
Plant Characteristics