Buffalograss, Texoka
Buffalograss is our most well-known Native grass and is used for turf, range seedings, and erosion control. Buffalograss is not aggressive and can be easily controlled or removed. It starts slow the first year and usually takes a least 2 full years to grow and establish. Even with only one plant per square foot, its sod will eventually fill out and establish successfully. For quicker and dense lawns, it is best planted on soil that has been prepared (smooth, fine, weed-free).
Texoka is the old 'stand by' forage-type Buffalograss, but it still serves its purpose well even as it gives way to the new turf types. Where color and density are not the major concerns, Texoka offers an economical choice for a low-maintenance cover. Its hardiness under adverse conditions makes this a long-lived plant for a short-grass prairie setting. All of our Buffalograss has been 'primed' to ensure faster and more uniform germination and establishment. This process breaks the natural dormancy of the seed and ensures that the seed starts growing more quickly when planted.
Seeds Per Pound: 40,000
Acre Rate: 20 lbs
Lbs per 1000sq feet: 2-4 lbs
Planting Information
Plant Characteristics