Weeping Lovegrass, Ermelo
Weeping Lovegrass is a rapidly growing warm-season bunchgrass that was introduced into the U.S. from East Africa. It grows best in the Southern Great Plains and the Southwest. The profuse, long, narrow leaves emerge from a tight tuft, with the tips almost touching the ground. This drooping leaf characteristic is the reason for the name Weeping Lovegrass. The leaves are dark green, almost hair-like, and move in the slightest breeze. The foliage turns a beautiful bronze-red color after a freeze.
The plant grows on almost any well-drained soil and will also grow on low-fertility soils. It is mainly used as an ornamental but can also be used for pasture (early spring/fall), hay, erosion control, and for steep bank areas throughout the Western Plains. The seeds germinate quickly, and the plant growth is rapid. Weeping Lovegrass can be planted after the danger of severe frost is over and anytime throughout the summer.
Growing Height: 24 to 48"
Min Yearly Rainfall: 16"
Seeds Per Pound1,500,000
Acre Rate: 3.5 lbs
Lbs per 1000sq feet: 0.25 lb
Planting Information
Plant Characteristics