Yellow Blossom Sweet Clover
Yellow Blossom Sweet Clover is a cold-tolerant, short-lived perennial. Known for its nitrogen-producing and soil-building abilities, this sweet clover can be used to enhance your home garden.
Its long tap root helps loosen soils and improves soil drainage. Bees are attracted to the yellow blossoms. However, livestock do not find the plant palatable due to the bitter taste and odor. Yellow Blossom Sweet Clover is often planted in a pasture. After reaching maturity, the plant is plowed into the soil to enhance nitrogen. (note: can cause bloat).
Min Yearly Rainfall: 10"
Seeds Per Pound: 260,000
Acre Rate: 15-20 lbs.
Lbs per 1000 sq feet: 1 lb.
Growing Region:All
Planting Information
Plant Characteristics