Russian Wildrye, Bozoisky
Russian Wildrye is a winter hardy, drought, and salt-tolerant bunchgrass that is widely adapted to the semi-arid rangelands of the US West. It is a long-lived perennial known for its productivity of high-quality early-season forage.
Wildrye characteristically has relatively poor seedling vigor and is more difficult to establish on range sites than many other grasses. It is one of the most versatile forage grasses available for dryland pastures, as it develops over time into stands with fairly wide-spaced plants. It is very competitive with weeds once established. Wildrye is highly palatable to wildlife, especially deer, elk, and antelope. It is generally utilized in late summer through winter.
Growing Height: 12 to 24" Min Yearly Rainfall: 12" Seeds Per Pound: 175,000 Acre Rate: 15 lbs Lbs per 1000sq feet: 2 lbs
Planting Information
Plant Characteristics