Palmer Penstemon
Palmer Penstemon, a perennial herb, bears a profuse display of large white blooms tinged with pink or lilac. The leaves of Palmer's Penstemon are blue-green, triangular, and toothed. Its many flower stalks reach a height between 2 and 4 feet tall and spread from 2 to 3 feet from early to midsummer.
Palmer Penstemon requires full sun and well-drained soils. Palmer Penstemon is common and widely distributed in the Southwest from 3500 ft. to 6500 ft elevation. Palmer Penstemon can bloom the first season from seed if sowed in the fall.
Acre Rate: 5 lbs Lbs per 1000 sq feet:4 oz Growing Region: West (not including Oregon and Montana)
Planting Information
Plant Characteristics