Mexican Hat Coneflower
Mexican Hat Coneflower is a perennial native to the Great Plains and adjacent areas. It grows to a height of 12 to 36 inches. The leaves are finely divided and borne at mid-stem. The ray flowers droop at the base of an upright cone.
Flower colors are yellow and maroon and should be planted in the moistest of growing seasons. Mexican Hat Coneflower is widely distributed in prairies and open woodlands on a variety of soils, from well-drained loams to rocky, gravelly-sandy soil.
It has a wide range of uses, including roadside plantings, landscaping, re-establishing prairies, and landscape beautification. For best growth, full sunlight is needed.
Growing Height: 12" to 36" Seeds Per Pound: 900000 Acre Rate: 5 lbs Lbs per 1000 sq feet oz Growing Region: All
Planting Information
Plant Characteristics