Little Bluestem, Aldous
Little Bluestem, Aldous
Little Bluestem, Aldous
Little Bluestem, Aldous

Little Bluestem

Starting At: $10.00
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Little Bluestem is a native prairie grass, mostly used as an ornamental bunchgrass with fine-textured foliage that forms very dense mounds 18-24 in high.

It has slender, blue-green stems in summer and striking red-tan 3 ft stems with fuzzy white seed tufts in the fall. It has a long life span compared to many other grasses, with a moderate growth rate, and is well adapted to dry conditions.

Little Bluestem is also a good forage species and is readily grazed by livestock, deer, and elk. The seed heads are a preferred food for birds, which also use the dense foliage as cover. Because of its growth habit and adaptability to a wide range of soil conditions, it is useful as a component of re-vegetation mixes. It is especially well-suited for use on thin upland range sites. Little Bluestem seeding should be as early in the spring as possible.

Growing Height: 12 to 36"

Min Yearly Rainfall: 14"

Seeds Per Pound: 260,000

Acre Rate: 18 lbs

Lbs per 1000sq feet: 2 lbs

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