Giant Bermudagrass
Bermudagrass is a warm-season, long-lived, dense sod-former adapted to a wide variety of sites. The 'Giant' variety is used for hay production and pasture, as it is taller than turf Bermudagrass. It has excellent hay production in spring, summer, and early fall. It is very palatable and nutritious for livestock, widely used, and very persistent. But, it may be an aggressive invader.
Plant Giant Bermudagrass at 15 to 20 pounds per acre in early to mid-spring. Drag or roll to cover; do not disk to cover, as this is a very tiny seed.
Seeds Per Pound: 2,000,000
Acre Rate: 15-20 lbs
Lbs per 1000sq feet: 0.5 lbs
Planting Information
Plant Characteristics