black eyed cowpea
black eyed cowpea
black eyed cowpea

Black Eyed Cowpea



Cowpea is one of the most ancient crops known to man. Its origin is in the semi-arid tropics, so it is a drought-tolerant and warm-weather crop.

As a legume, it fixes nitrogen from the air, which can then be incorporated into the soil as green manure. It thrives in poor and sandy soils and is more drought-tolerant than most other beans (soybeans and green beans).

Black Eyed Cowpea is a bush type, still used in the South as a food crop in traditional intercropping systems it has helpful soil-building capabilities. Cowpea will improve the soil structure and fertility and can also be used as a cover crop. Plant later in spring when the danger of frost has passed, either in rows (at 20 or 30-inch centers) or broadcast.

Growing Height: 30"

Min Yearly Rainfall: 38"

Seeds Per Pound: 3000

Acre Rate: 40 lbs

Plant Information


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Plant Characteristics

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