Native Grass for Your Land

Native Grasses

If you're looking for thriving grass species for your region, our native grasses work wonders for landscaping. Native grasses grow naturally in your environment, making them the best type of grass to restore plant ecosystems and counter other invasive species. Because they are well adapted to the local soil, they require less maintenance, reducing the need for fertilizers and pesticides.
At Curtis and Curtis Seed Company, we pride ourselves in supplying carefully sourced, quality native seeds. Our mission is to support homeowners, farmers, and government agencies as they tend to the land we love. Planting our native grasses does just that. They not only save you in maintenance, but they also help our land thrive. By planting native, you’ll leave Mother Nature better than when you found her.
Whether you're exploring landscaping options for flowerbeds or your lawn, we are happy to help you determine which seed is right for you. Reach out to our seed experts to learn more.