Cane Bluestem
Cane Bluestem is a Native, warm-season, very drought-tolerant perennial bunch grass with a rapid growth rate, mostly in the summer and fall.
It is ideal for seeding in arid Southwestern landscapes and is best on silty or clayey soils. Cane Bluestem is suitable for naturalizing a newly planted area or as an informal border. For optimum stand establishment, Cane Bluestem seed should be planted from late July through early August. Mulching and/or supplemental irrigation may be required to ensure establishment on disturbed sites. Seeding may be done earlier if water is available.
Growing Height: 2-4'
Min Yearly Rainfall: 12"
Seeds Per Pound: 755,000
Acre Rate:4-8 lbs
Lbs per 1000sq feet:1 lb
Planting Information
Plant Characteristics